Oral Health Visits

By visiting our Oral Health Therapist regularly, bacterial colonies (plaque) are removed from between your teeth and from all the crevices and niches between your gums and teeth.

Why you should regularly visit an Oral Health Therapist

To remove the plaque bacteria – otherwise this will continue to grow and cause infection around the tooth, and eventually loss of teeth (a condition commonly known as gum or periodontal disease). This is the cause of most adult tooth loss, and often goes undetected as it is usually painless and has few symptoms until the final stages.

To prevent bad breath or malodour – these bacterial colonies on the crevices of teeth and gums, and surface of the tongue and throat, are the main cause of bad breath! Many people experience this, but it is often left untreated or accepted as normal.

To maintain good oral health – research studies have found links between periodontal disease and a higher incidence of developing serious illnesses and conditions, like heart disease, diabetes, and the delivery of pre-term low birth weight babies.

Periodontal disease is easily preventable and treatable. Good teeth cleaning at home, and regular visits to the dental hygienist, are the secrets to keeping teeth and gums healthy, with minimal trouble.

How often should I visit the Oral Health Therapist?

Dental professionals recommend that most people should visit the oral health therapist every 6 months. Patients with periodontal disease, or are at a high risk, often need 3 monthly maintenance visits.

When was your last clean? Is it time for you to start caring for your teeth?

To book your next appointment click here or call Integrated Dental Canberra on (02) 6249 8551 

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