Holistic Treatment

The inlet to the body is the mouth and the nutrition we choose, directly affects our total body wellness.

The word itself comes from ‘wholistic’ meaning ‘the whole’. Holistic dentistry is the commitment to treat not only the dental condition, but also with the whole body in mind.

Scientific studies are increasingly showing a systemic link between the health of the mouth and the health of the entire body.

Holistic dentists have the same education and qualifications as other dentists.  The difference is that holistic dentistry looks at the tight-knit relationship between your oral health and your whole-body wellness.

We firmly believe visiting a dentist shouldn’t be frightening or upsetting in any way and our dental practice integrates the very best of Eastern and Western modalities, allowing you to experience gentle yet effective dental treatment. Our dentists look at the effects of dental health on general health and vice versa, combining holistic dentistry with conventional dentistry to achieve the very best outcome. We also use materials and procedures that work in harmony with your body, caring for your overall health and wellbeing.

Our dentists are well read in areas other than just dentistry and understand the connection between your teeth, gums, jaw joint (TMJ), airway, digestive tract, heart and other organs.

Where necessary we work closely with GPs, holistic dietitians, naturopaths, chiropractors, remedial massage therapists, and many more talented practitioners.

Integrated Dental Canberra is your partner in managing your overall wellbeing by maintaining the best possible oral care and wellness.

Conquering Dental Anxiety

Do you delay or avoid visiting the dentist? Do you dread the thought of undergoing simple dental procedures? If so, you could be suffering from dental anxiety.

Dental anxiety is a fundamental obstacle that stands in the way of achieving and maintaining optimal oral health. Dental phobics are known to avoid or postpone dental appointments, even when they are experiencing pain. While the majority of them are apprehensive about the perceived pain associated with a dental check-up and processes, some avoid the dentist because they are ashamed of the condition of their teeth. Whatever the reason, it does not change the fact that postponing a dental appointment or oral examination can have serious consequences.

In light of modern dentistry, introducing a host of minimally invasive techniques, dental anxiety, based on the fear of painful procedures are generally unfounded. Dwelling on the perceived pain, however, will often only serve to magnify the anxiety.

For the Anxious Dental Patient

Traditional-Chinese-MedicineRegular visits to the dentist remain one of the best shields against dental ailments like decay and gum disease. Maintaining regular dental check-ups helps to ensure that your dental health is maintained and is checked for any warning signs that may require immediate attention.

If a dental problem is detected at an early stage, the dentist can usually fix them using a variety of pain-free techniques. By avoiding the dentist, you risk aggravating the problem until it becomes too painful to ignore, which may eventually require more complex and involved treatments – perhaps even surgery.

A routine dental check-up once every six months can significantly reduce the likelihood of painful dental problems or the need for complex procedures that would deal with them.

It is important for you to speak openly with the dentist about your dental fears and even negative dental experiences. It is important to remember that a dentist may be a professional working in a serious environment, but behind their dental mask, he or she is also a human being who will try to empathise with your fears and apprehensions.
If pain is the source of your anxiety, you may also consider the use of acupuncture of dental sedatives.

It is never too late to deal with your dental anxiety. The best thing you can do is discuss your fears openly with your dentist or hygienist. If you have an existing dental issue, a qualified dentist will be able to advice you on the best treatment options available. Overcome your anxiety may help promote a broad, healthy smile.

Using Acupuncture to Treat Anxiety & Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ) (jaw joint)

One of the services we offer is acupuncture which can be useful for treating fear and anxiety. Acupuncture also works very well for treating TMJ (jaw joint), a condition that can often be associated with stress.

TMJ can cause extensive facial pain. Acupuncture can help relieve tension and inflammation in the jaw joint, helping the energy to flow more freely through the jaw while relieving pain. You may choose to use acupuncture in conjunction with traditional treatments for TMJ or as a stand-alone therapy.

The 5 Pillars of Health

We believe good health can be achieved through addressing the following health pillars vital to wellness:

  • Sleep – the most important part of the day
  • Breathe – breathing well while asleep and during the day helps maintain, balance body chemistry and rejuvenate the body and mind
  • Nourish – how you eat and drink
  • Move – functional movements and which involves far less than you might think
  • Think – your attitude to the world around

How You Sleep

With all the best intentions, many people often sacrifice sleep to spend more time doing the things they love, or the things that are viewed as priority. This causes sleep to rarely be the priority in our lives and is often interrupted or of poor quality.

This can lead to long-term health issues, including dental health. It is not often recognised that the quality of sleep can directly relate to dental health and vice versa. Clenching and grinding during sleep can be just one contributor to getting a poor night’s sleep and can result in headaches, neck aches and jaw aches.

Clenching and grinding also result in worn down and damaged teeth over time. The recommended amount of uninterrupted sleep is 7-8 hours each day. If you are having problems sleeping you may also benefit from adjusting your posture correctly in order to reduce any postural stress.

How You Breathe

Correct breathing is a vital step to ensuring your body is optimally healthy, especially during sleep. While it may sound simple and something we do unconsciously, many people have developed incorrect breathing habits throughout their life and should look to ensure these are corrected and controlled.

Correct breathing should be through the nose as mouth breathing can lead to many health problems including high blood pressure and heart disease. The nose also allows us to properly breathe without leading to depleted carbon dioxide levels or reduced blood circulation.

Mouth breathing during sleep can interrupt our rest and leave the mouth dry and more at risk of disease. Incorrect breathing can be retrained through relaxation and focussing exercises (we offer in-house training), and it is possible to have a splint made that will align your jaw to be in a better position to assist in this.

What You Eat & Drink

We all inherently know what we should and shouldn’t be eating and drinking, and are aware of the risks associated with eating unhealthy foods such as soft drinks, sweets, processed and fast foods.

Foods and drink that contain sugars and carbohydrates can create an acidic environment in your mouth, leading to tooth decay in the long term. It is best to avoid soft drinks, sports drinks, alcohol and many processed or fast-foods.

To reduce any nutritional stress on your body, fresh produce and natural foods should replace any unhealthy alternatives in your diet. To reduce the risk of decay if you are drinking sugary drinks or alcohol, it is best not to brush immediately after consumption. Brushing after consumption results in removing the acid weakened enamel and can actually cause the process of decay to hasten.

How You Move

Physical activity is not only beneficial for your general health and fitness, but also for your mental health. Exercising regularly can increase happiness, reduce anxiety and yield positive long term effects.

Physical activity is not directly related to your general health but is an important step in keeping your body in optimal condition and ensuring you are reducing the stressors in your life. If you are exercising regularly, you will be more likely to sleep well, eat well and be well.

How You Think

We may not be able to change the world around us, but we can change our attitude toward it. We recommend mindfulness or meditation as well as exploring positive emotion, engagement, relationships and acknowledgement of accomplishments.

Our Wellbeing Packages

Sometimes we find working with other health professionals to be very beneficial in treating the whole person. This is why we offer well-being packages where our dental team will collaborate with a number of specialists we know and trust, and, who include an acupuncturist, a chiropractor and a nutritionist.

By working with you on preventative dental and health care, and by improving dental education, our aim is to provide you with a comprehensive yet harmonious service so you can enjoy all the benefits of a healthy smile and a healthy body.

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