Holistic Dentistry

Here at Integrated Dental Canberra we believe in gentle dental care that takes into account your overall wellbeing. This is why our dental team have chosen to take a holistic approach towards dental treatment, taking the time needed to care for your mouth, while ensuring you feel comfortable and relaxed at all times.

We firmly believe visiting a dentist shouldn’t be frightening or upsetting in any way and our dental practice integrates the very best of Eastern and Western modalities into treatment, allowing you to experience gentle yet effective dental treatments.

Our dentists look at the effects of dental health on general health and vice versa, combining holistic dentistry with conventional dentistry to achieve the very best outcome. We also use materials and procedures that work in harmony with your body, caring for your overall health and wellbeing.

Using Acupuncture to Treat Anxiety and TMJ

One of the services we offer is acupuncture which can be useful for treating fear and anxiety. Acupuncture also works very well for treating TMJ, a condition that can often be associated with stress.

TMJ can cause extensive facial pain. Acupuncture can help relieve the tension, inflammation and misalignment in the jaw joint, helping the energy to flow more freely through the jaw while relieving pain. You may choose to use acupuncture in conjunction with traditional treatments for TMJ or as a stand-alone therapy.

Our Family Well-Being Packages

Sometimes we find working with other health professionals to be very beneficial in treating the whole person. This is why we offer family well-being packages where our dental team will collaborate with a number of specialists we know and trust and who include an acupuncturist, a chiropractor and a nutritionist.

By working with you on preventative dental and health care, and by improving dental education, we aim is to provide you with a comprehensive yet harmonious service so you can enjoy all the benefits of a healthy smile and a healthy body.

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